Klara is a bright and happy child who has been in foster care for the past 6 years. She has made tremendous progress in the foster care placement and is doing well emotionally, physically and socially. Her teacher describes her as a kind and caring child who is well-liked by her peers.
The purpose of alternative care is to provide families with the necessary support to work towards family reunification. Klara’s parents have been giving their cooperation to social workers and have improved their circumstances a great deal. Family reunification is therefore being considered.
However, Klara is struggling emotionally with the idea of this possible change in her circumstances. She has a very good relationship with both her foster parents and biological parents and is feeling confused about her future. Recently she has started to display emotional outbursts at school and her teachers are concerned about her well-being.
To ensure the best possible outcome for Klara, Badisa Trio would like to have her assessed to determine if reintegration into her family home will be in her best interest. Also, therapy is being recommended to assist Klara is dealing with her emotions at present and in the future when a decision is made about her future.
Both the biological parents and foster parents have indicated that they will contribute to the assessment and therapy.
Assessment: R1000 / 3 = R334
Therapy: R1500 / 3 = R500
If you find it in your heart to support us with a monetary donation in this regard, please use the reference: Klara2021
This is not a photo of an actual child, photo was sourced from Canva.com