“Die afgelope 20 jaar is daar al vrywilligers betrokke by die klerebank by Bellville. So op hul stil manier maak hulle seker dat daar met verantwoordelikheid beheer oor alle donasies aanvaar word en dat die maksimum voordeel daaruit verkry word.”



Caroline, is the longest involved at the clothing store. She started in 1994 when it was still the CMR offices. She was part of the volunteer group responsible for the soup kitchen and thus involved from peeling of vegetables to making of soup and distributing soup. As the needs of the organization changed, she embraced the change and became involved in the clothing store. The clothing store grew from a soup kitchen to distribution of soup, bread and clothes at Morning Star to a clothing store at Bellville. This job requires that the volunteers had to receive all clothes and goods, sort it, organize it for different purposes, load and unload trailers, selling and distribution of goods in all kinds of weather, to being a referee between buyers on the days when goods are sold. They keep records, put price tags on and act as security guards. All toys are inspected and if broken repaired if possible. The group select items that are allocated to families in need, some is delivered to Fisantekraal, and some are sold to less fortune community members. These community members are entrepreneurs and sell it again for an income. No task is too big or too small for these 10 women aged between 65 and 81. The members divided themselves into separate groups taking responsibility for different functions within the store room. They are old school and don’t need a police man to ensure that the work is done.

Wat beteken die betrokkenheid vir hulle

Die dames is almal afgetree en kon lekker op die stoep gaan sit en net rond gekuier het, maar nee, hulle glo daaraan om produktief besig te wees. Hulle erken dat hulle nie altyd lus is om te kom werk nie, maar as hulle eers hier is, geniet hulle die geselskap en samesyn. Dit is die plek waar hulle, hulle lief en leed met mekaar deel, waar daar mode parade gehou word met die klere wat inkom. Joey is die model en die ander spot met hul lywe. Daar word soms tot ‘n stoute grappie vertel – en deur wie – die oudste lid van die geselskap! Hier is vriendskappe gesmee wat al jare bestaan. Annette is van mening dat sy deur haar betrokkenheid gestimuleer word en ‘n waardevolle bydrae tot die samelewing bied.

Dream for the clothing store

Currently the facilities where the clothing store is kept is not ideal but that does not stop them to dream big. They plan to increase their income this year with at least R5000 . The organizing of the store room is the first priority on their list for this year. A big thank you to all the volunteers for your years of commitment and support!

Do you want to be a Volunteer?

Please contact us for more information

“’n mens groei deur jou betrokkenheid by ander mense!”


Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers