It is not easy to live on the streets, especially when you are only 7 years old.
For four years Jessica* lived with her biological mother in harsh weather conditions, allegedly endured abuse and was exposed to harmful substances.
Jessica has been reunited with her biological father, but life has not been easier. Jessica is battling with anxiety and is using self-mutilating behaviour to help her deal with these feelings. Although she did well academically she was removed from her school due to her emotional challenges.
Jessica is reaching out for help, and we would like to send her for an assessment. This assessment will help us determine how we can help Jessica on the road to recovery.
The forensic assessment will cost R4500. Any donations towards Jessica’s treatment can be paid to our account with the reference: Jessica
Bank details: Badisa Trio Fondswerwing, ABSA Savings account, Account number: 9294493628, Branch code: 632005
*Not real name | Photo found on