Barry* was referred to our office through the children’s court. Barry’s mother has opened a case of child abuse against Barry’s father. The father is denying all allegations and has expressed his concern against the mother.
His case is very tricky as Barry cannot communicate due to an intellectual disability. Our team believes that Barry might also be autistic. Barry needs to be assessed by a professional to ascertain whether he has been abused or not. Badisa Trio is blessed with amazing professionals who assists us at special rates. For a full assessment and report we need R1500.
If you can assist with a donation towards Barry’s assessment, please make a payment with the reference: Barry to: Name of account: Badisa Trio Fondswerwing, ABSA Savings account nu: 9294493628, Branch code: 632005
Badisa is tax registered and can provide donators with an article 18A certificate.
*Not child’s real name. Photo found on