When *Susan was only 5 years old, she was removed from her mother’s care and placed into a child and youth care centre. Susan celebrated her 12th birthday last week. 7 years away from her family.
But this is not only a story of sorrow and suffering. It is also a story of hope. A story of love. A story of second chances.
Susan’s mother and the social worker at Badisa Trio Kraaifontein developed an intervention plan and with lots of hard work and commitment, Susan’s mother was able to change her life in a positive way and take responsibility for her behaviour. She not only improved her physical circumstances but she also worked with the staff at the child and youth care centre to improve the relationship between her and Susan.
Finally Susan was able to visit her mother for weekends and holidays. Mother and daughter were able to develop their relationship and start making beautiful memories together. It became more and more difficult for both mother and daughter when the visits were over and Susan needed to return to the child and youth care centre. Lots and lots of tears were shed. It was very emotional.
With much dedication and commitment from Susan’s mother, the social worker at Badisa Trio Kraaifontein and the staff at the child and youth care centre, Susan and her mother are reunified at last.
*Not real name | Photo found on pexels.com