Martin is a twelve-year-old boy who is excited about becoming a teenager next year. He enjoys spending time with his friends and has a wonderful sense of humour. He plays soccer at school and his favourite subject is Maths. With his dark brown hair and playful smile, he is well-liked by everyone who meets him.
When Martin was younger, he lived with his mother. She was not able to prioritise the needs of her young child and would often go out and spend time with her friends, leaving young Martin on his own.
He was exposed to various situations and people that caused a great deal of trauma to him. Fighting, swearing and severe neglect. One will never really know what young Martin had to endure for so many years. However, the trauma has definitely left him with emotional scars.
Martin and his family’s case was brought under the attention of the social worker 18 months ago. He spent some time with his father on the long road as his father is a long-distance truck driver. However, about a year ago his father said he could no longer care for him and he was placed into the care of his aunt.
At present he is well cared for, is thriving within the school environment and is experiencing stability and nurturing within a loving family. He does however long to be with his father, although he understands that his father’s circumstances are not suitable. Martin’s mother has not had any contact with him for many years. However, recently she indicated that she would like to resume contact with him. This is all very confusing for Martin. He loves his father so much and wants to be with him. He is confused about his mother’s role in his life. He doesn’t have a relationship with her, and he sometimes remembers the life he endured whilst living with her. This leads to great upset, uncertainty and rebellion in Martin. He feels trapped between his parents and this leads to outbursts at home that complicate communication because he does not understand and cannot articulate his emotions.
Martin is a young man with so much potential. However, if he doesn’t receive the necessary assessment to determine how one can support him, he may not reach his true potential. Evaluating him socially and emotionally would cost R1000.
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This is not a photo of an actual child, photo was sourced from